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Month Theme Class Activity
April World Heritage Day Pre Nur.- UKG Express through Art & Craft
I & II Heritage Dress Up Day
III - V Notes For a Hungry Stomach
VI - VIII Heritage Day Word Search
World Earth Day Pre Nur.- UKG Nature Faces - Toddler Art with Natural Materials
I & II Recycling Sorting Games
III - V Earth Day Words Puzzle
VI - VIII Be Kind to Earth
May Labour Day Pre Nur.- UKG Dress to Impress Day
I & II Learn About Community Helper A- Z
III - V Write a Thank You Letter
VI - VIII Writing About a Career
Labour Day Cube , Card , Deliver with Gratitude , Career Collage , Community Helper Chirades , Create a Community Newspaper
July National Doctor's Day Nature Conservation Day Pre Nur.- UKG Broken Bones Letter Matching & Size Sorting / Cotton Swab Printing
I & II Skeleton Spaghetti / Show & Tell
III - V Art with Doctor's Tools / Eye Drop Painting
VI - VIII Body Tracing & Labelling / A day with a Doctor
Slogans & Posters on Nature Conservation
International Day of Friendship Pre Nur.- UKG Friendship Wreath
I & II Friendship Flower Garden
III - V Recipe of Friendship
VI - VIII Friendship Want Ad & Letter
Friendship Yarn Circle , Word Search
August My India My Pride Pre Nur.- UKG Flag Making & Decoration
I & II Patriotic Costume
III - V Patriotism Symbols & Words
VI - VIII Letter to Soldier
Plantation Drive , Quiz , Essay Writing
World Photography Day Pre Nur.- UKG Pictures of items with same letter
I & II Plant a seed & make a photo file for its growth
III - V Reflection & Shadows
VI - VIII Make your own Story
September International Day of Peace & Hindi Diwas Pre Nur.- UKG Peace Duck & Coloring
I & II Pin Wheel of Peace
III - V Peace looks like
VI - VIII Peace Day Poem
Peace Pledge , Vocabulary Word Search, Peace Wreath, Slogan writing in Hindi
October Clean India Green India Pre Nur.- UKG Hand Wash & Story Cards
I & II Drawing Competition
III - V Quiz Competition
VI - VIII Article writing
Swatchta Parade , Community Awareness Campaign, Banner making, Reuse of Single Use Plastic
November Celebrate the Future –Today (Children Day) Pre Nur.- UKG Twister
I & II Pinata
III - V Mask Making
VI - VIII All About Me
Health & Happy Living Pre Nur.- UKG Healthy Eating Plate
I & II Show some Feelings
III - V Food Ads & Reading Nutrition Label
VI - VIII Good Health Poster
Cook with Kids , Health Habits ,
December Equality is For Everyone Pre Nur.- UKG Coloring emojis
I & II Rights declaration Flash Cards
III - V Human Rights Matching game
VI - VIII Human Rights Magical Fruit Tree
Classroom Peace Prize, Deconstruct your Rights , Study a Human Right Activist, Wants vs Needs, Pictre Collage, Emoji Activity
National Mathematics Day Pre Nur.- UKG Robot Addition Match
I & II Equation Spinner Cups
III - V Create Fraction Kit
VI - VIII Famous 4's
Maths Fact Hopscotch, Times & Fraction Paper, Skip Counting Maths Craft, Table learning Machine , Building 2D & 3D shapes
January Road Respect - Gear Up for Safety Pre Nur.- UKG Traffic Sign Identification
I & II Pedestrian Training
III - V Match Up Signs & Words
VI - VIII Reading Comprehension
Simulated Road Layouts,Road Safety Slogans,Word Puzzle
February A tribute to Our Unity Pre Nur.- UKG Cultural Art
I & II Unity Bracelets
III - V Collage of different Indian foods
VI - VIII Collage of different Indian Regions
Research Money,Make a puzzle to showeveryone fits in,Compliment circle & Flower, Erasing Meanness
February National Science Day Pre Nur.- UKG Water Science Experiments
I & II Balloon Experiments
III - V Eat your way through Soil Layers
VI - VIII Explore Buoyancy
Magic with Science , Playground Science , Kitchen Experiments


S.No. Month Date Day Event
1 April 22.04.2024 Monday Earth Day
2 29.04.2024 Monday International Dance Day
3 May 01.05.2024 Wednesday Worker's Day
4 July 26.07.2024 Friday Kargil Victory Day
5 October 09.10.2024 Wednesday Dussehra
6 29.10.2024 Tuesday Deepavali
7 December 24.12.2024 Tuesday Christmas
8 26.12.2023 Thursday Veer Bal Diwas
9 January 31.01.2025 Friday Basant Panchami


S.No. Month Date Day Event
1 April 12.04.2024 Friday Baisakhi
2 May 10.05.2024 Friday Mother's Day
3 August 15.08.2024 Thursday Independence Day
23.08.2024 Friday Janamashtmi
5 September 05.09.2024 Thursday Teacher's Day
6 November 14.11.2024 Thursday Children's Day
January 26.01.2025 Sunday Republic Day


S.No. Month Date Day Event
1 March 28.03.2024 Thursday Pre. Nur. - II (PM) & Parent Orientation
2 May 18.05.2024 Saturday Pre. Nur. - VIII
3 July 06.07.2024 Saturday Pre. Nur. - II
4 August 31.08.2024 Saturday Pre. Nur. - VIII
5 October 05.10.2024 Saturday Pre. Nur. - VIII
6 January 18.01.2025 Saturday Pre. Nur. - VIII
7 March 26.03.2025 Wednesday Pre. Nur. - VIII


S. No. Month Class Activity
1 April Pre Nur.-UKG Eat & Run
I & II Wacky Waiter
III - V Dodge Ball
VI - VIII Dog & Bone
2 May Pre Nur.-UKG Hot Potato
I & II Balancing Steping Stones
III - V Backward Race
VI - VIII Pithtu Garam
3 July Pre Nur.-UKG Getting Ready For School
I & II Fill The Bucket
III - V Three Legged Race
VI - VIII Hand & Foot Hopscotch
4 August Pre Nur.-UKG Obstacle Race
I & II Flag Relay
III - V Chain Race
VI - VIII Skipping
5 September Pre Nur.-UKG Ball Relay
I & II Balloon Stomp
III - V Tic-Tac-Toe Relay
VI - VIII Ultimate Frisbee
6 October Pre Nur.-UKG Frog Race
I & II Jump Rope
III - V Four Corners
VI - VIII Langdi Tang
7 November Pre Nur.-UKG Crawl Race
I & II Nature Scavenger Hunt
III - V Water Balloon Toss
VI - VIII Badminton/Maram Pitti
8 December Pre Nur.-UKG Filling Goodies in Stockings
I & II Cookie Face Race
III - V Spoon & Lemon
VI - VIII 100m Race
9 January Pre Nur.-UKG Musical Chair
I & II Back Race
III - V Wheel Barrow Race
VI - VIII 400m Relay race
10 February Pre Nur.-UKG Traffic on the Road
I & II Pass the Hoop
III - V Sack Race
VI - VIII Carrom/Chess